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Richat dome - Landscapes | Mauritania -
Place : Adrar of Mauritania.
Description :
The mystery of the formation of Guelb Richat still called '' the eye of Africa '' by the astronomers, remains whole and is worth for many other scientific forwardings.
Several assumptions were considered: impact of a large meteorite, tectonic structure or convexity caused by the installation in the Precambrian rocks sediments of major origin. This last assumption is favoured today. The whole eye extends on 180 mile (350 km) and its pupil on 20 mile (40 km).
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Enormous rock - Landscapes | South Africa -
Place : Worcester, Cape Province.
Description : Located not far from Breed River Valley, this 820 feet (250 m) large and 2600 feet (800m) long rock overhang the town of Worcester.
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The Grand Canyon - Landscapes | USA -
Place : Arizona.
Description : The Grand Canyon was dug by the Colorado river.
With its 4250 feet (1300 m) depth along 230 miles (445 km) and a width between 4 miles (8 km) and 13 miles (24 km), the Grand Canyon is the vastest throat in the world.
The temperatures go up regularly to more than 104 F° (40 C°) in summer.
The large Canyon receives 4 million visitors per year.
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Red "fields" - Landscapes | USA -
Place : Newark, Bay of San Fransisco , Nevada.
Description : This whole of baths with low depth are salt-water marshes. Salt is obtained by the sea water evaporation under the the sun and the wind combined action.
You can observe harvest on the satellite view, in salt heap form, not far from these marshes.

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A Pacific Dolphin - Landscapes | Pacific -
Place : Mokupapapa, Hawaii.
Description : "Atoll of the French frigate" or Mokupapapa is a 17 mile (33km) long atoll. From the sky point of view, this atoll draws us a dolphin.
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Montmorency falls - Landscapes | Canada -
Place : Québec.
Description : The water fall of Montmorency is the highest of the Quebec province. It exceeds of 100 feet (30m) the Niagara falls. You can observe a suspension bridge that have an impressive sight of this wonder nature.
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Niagara falls - Landscapes | USA / Canada -
Place : Niagara Falls.
Description : Located on the Niagara river at the border between the United States and Canada, the Niagara falls compose 3 parts:
- "Horseshoe" ( Horseshoe Falls ).
- "American falls" ( American Falls ).
- The "wedding veil" ( Bridal Veil Falls ).
The most known of the falls has a 168.000 m ³ /min flow !

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Larchant marsh - Landscapes | France -
Place : Larchant, Seine-et-Marne (77).
Description : Private property, the marsh of Larchant is one of the last marsh of Ile-de-France area. This marsh accomodates many migratory birds. Its surface is 118 hectares. Its singularity lies in the fact that this marsh don't have any more a connection with any river.
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Sea of sand - Landscapes | France -
Place : Noisy-sur-école, Seine-et-Marne (77).
Description : The "Mer de sable" is a top place of walks or forest excursions. Located in the forest of Fontainebleau, it proposes to the amateurs of climbing, a training place thanks to its rocks with their so particular forms.
The very fine and pure sand which composes the "Mer de sable" is still exploited nowadays in Bourron-Marlotte village (77).

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